Benefits of Tomatoes. Friendly Tomato What is good for the heart?

It is quite helpful in lowering high blood pressure . Tomato is very rich in vitamin C , vitamin E and potassium and a little salt can adjust the pressure of the blood .

* Gall and kidney stones helps to reduce .

* Provides protection against cancer and heart disease . Reducing the risk of stroke, and cataracts .

* Lycopene protects against heart disease in 85% of ingredients are tomatoes . Lycopene also positively affect the sperm count and motility are .

* Easy to digest starchy foods , especially tomato which facilitates digestion .

* Thanks to the high percentage of vitamin C for colds and flu download protection.

* Provides regular studies of the stomach and intestines and relieves constipation .

* Rheumatism and is useful in podagra .

* Arteriosclerosis fixes.

* It helps in the removal of calluses and allows the maturation of boils .

* Bee stings and burns treatment would support .

* Rash and haemorrhoids is good.

* Weak stomach and inflammation of the kidneys and bladder , which must necessarily tomato juice drink .

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